Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 1

"...And in the red corner Me, weighing in at a whopping 112kgs."

How terrible is that, I cant beleive i've let my self get this heavy. But it's why i'm going on the 12 week diet.
I started yesterday, but the withdrawals from sugar and caffine and everything else that is so good but bad, knocked me around and I was in bed by 9 with a thumping headache. So I didnt blog then.
Day 1 and 2 are detox days and i'm literally only allowed to eat/drink fruit and veges. 
Day starts with hot water and lemon juice, then unsweetened fruit juice or home made juice for breakfast. Midmorning an apple and a small bunch of grapes, Lunch is a salad and vege juice. I have another fruit juice because I cant stand drinking vegetables. dinner...veges... steamed. Also through out the day im to drink 2ltrs of water and have a dandelion or pasley tea. Appertising huh.
I also have to do a 20 minute walk which will be a nice chance to get out of the house.
It's been hard, all the tempting food around. but I have to do this!
Ohh for a big bowl of maccy cheese!
Here is the before photo.

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Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!


altraeis said...

You go Girl, you can do it. Huggles

muppet said...

i'm stealing that dress dude! :p