First up the exciting news! We have bought a house, its a great little place. Settlements on the 11Th Jan Rather cool. Will post up some more about it when we get some more photos.

Now the crap news, my biggest bro had an accident and busted his hip, bad.
The top of the femur (the ball part of the ball and socket joint) busted through the cup (the socket bit) So a dislocated femur and a smashed hip cup.
After hours of excruciating pain, they decided to put him on traction, except the weight needed would rip his skin, so in for an op put a metal bar through the base of his femur and hooked that up.
Doped up on morphine and Valium (its quite a giggle really, he thought a light switch on the roof was a roller door hehe)
His doc made an appearance today and said he needs to be in Sydney by Saturday. So yay plane ride for him. If they cant manipulate the
broken bits they will have to open him up.
So either way its gunna suck but
he should be able to go home in less then 2 weeks (fingers crossed)
So in a among paperwork, kids, housework, packing, babysitting and freaking out, you will find me sitting in the middle reaching for the biggest block of chocolate!
Oh and i got a hair cut, more on that later (sorry muppy ill get the photos up eventually!)
I glad that Mr Brotherman is doing better - tell him i said he's naughty for worrying everyone!
and it's cool - i just wanna see lol pics of us at sexpolol :D
ps: Katie's haircut is teh sexay :D
i didnt end up getting many at sexpo, im teh suck i know :(
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